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How to do it the right choice and use of punch and die

by:Ragos     2021-03-19
Choose different according to different punch die punch models, the situation, that the force of the mould are not balanced, or highly didn't put a blunt needle, solution, readjust the matching of the punch die status, clearance between punch and die, is coordinated with them around to any local clearance to equal, no gap, can damage the mold, clearance choose size determines the accuracy of the product. mould wear out of stamping parts have burr, may be caused by the following reasons: 1, the abrasive wear serious, 2 discharge to amuse, concave die is not smooth. 3, clearance, 4, clearance has the deviation, the solution has the following kinds: 1, according to the material thickness generally by ten percent increase adjustment space, that is to say blunt 1 mm plate die should be bigger than punch 0. 2 mm. 2, adjust the clearance deviation to make the clearance on both sides. 3, replace the press brake machine under the flat grinding processing mode to make it more sharp. 4, die washing out work to leak material with smooth 1, to ensure that the best mold clearance refers to the punch into the lower die, die clearance on both sides of the gap. Die clearance choice depends on the thickness, material and other stamping process, different thickness or material should choose corresponding mold clearance, clearance is too small or too large or damage to the mold or punching quality effect. If the mould clearance to choose the right, can guarantee the good quality of punching, burr and reduce the collapse, keep the sheet metal formation, effectively prevent the pick-up, prolong the service life of mould. Main by examining the stamping mold clearance to determine the situation of the waste. A fracture and smaller waste if there is a rough rolling bright surface, clearance is too large. With the Angle formed by the fracture and bright face clearance into positive ratio. Gap, the greater the gap when punching forming edge fracture, and there are even a thin edge swelled. 2, eliminate and reduce the size of method due to the stamping pressure can be created and heat, sheet metal fine particles will be binding on the punch surface, which affect the quality of the piece. Generally adopt the way of lubrication to prevent overheating, it will also reduce friction. If unable to lubrication or waste, resilience, and so on and so forth, can be used interchangeably with the size of punch stamping method, multiple punch stamping can make each punch has the sufficient cooling time before use. To remove the punch on the sticky material by fine abrasive polishing, avoid further production of viscous material grinding direction should be should be consistent with the punch movement direction. To avoid using coarse gauze for grinding, to prevent the punch surface becomes more coarse, sticky material phenomenon happening again. 3, strong very porous measures to prevent the deformation of sheet metal, if on a plate is very porous and plate deformation phenomenon will occur. This is because every time punching, due to the accumulation of shear stress and deformation of down hole surrounding material will, on the sheet metal surface tensile stress, whereas compressive stress in the surface. When washed a few holes, the shear stress will not affect the quality of the plate, but when many holes, tensile stress and compressive stress on the surface of the sheet metal and to accumulate at a certain point, will cause uneven, material deformation. To prevent deformation of this kind of method is: change the punching hole order, the Kong Chong cutting, cutting back and the rest of the hole. This can effectively reduce the stress of stamping direction in the same order, although the cutting method also can produce stress, but it will offset each other in the two groups before and after the stress of the hole, thus preventing the deformation of sheet metal. 4 should choose the different material, different material plates mould punch surface hardening methods are usually titanium plating, such as nitriding, the punch surface hardening layer is not only the surface coating, it belongs to a part of the punch matrix, it is thickness of 12 & mu; m ~ 60亩; The molecular structure of m. Through the surface hardening, in special material such as stainless steel plate mold wear will reduce, but the mould surface hardening and couldn't prolong its service life, by hardening the surface of the punch, the maintenance methods are still appropriate lubrication, in a timely manner and in accordance with the procedures of conventional methods, such as grinding. Hardening the surface of the mould is still grinding according to the usual way. Of the following can use hardening the surface of the punch: soft and sticky materials ( Such as aluminum) ; Thin, abrasive materials, Such as glass epoxy) ; Blunt thin hard material ( Such as stainless steel) ; Frequent point impact; The situation of the abnormal lubrication.
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