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Deep throat punch processing and application range have?

by:Ragos     2021-01-27
Deep throat press brake machine is a punch, commonly used in sheet metal punching, such as a large electrical box between the electrical cabinet to open the shutter, anti-theft doors open the cat's eye, because the hole distance edge distance is usually over 300 mm or more, but only 180 - ordinary punch deep throat - After 230, sheet metal in punch wallboard resisted sheet, unable to realize the hole is 300 or 500 distance from edge, this needs to implement with deep throat press. In addition, in order to improve the production efficiency, can be equipped with numerical control system, to large extent played on the effect of numerical control, also need to use the deep throat punch. Deep throat press is widely used in aircraft, luxury coach and high-speed emu deadened the noise of the plate and the cooling plate punching, electrical box electrical cabinet shutter punching, anti-theft door lock hole, and the cat's eye punching, fresh tank ventilation, etc. Deep throat press also called deep neck punch, deep throat press. Generally can be divided into cast iron body and steel plate welding fuselage two kinds. Deep throat is the punch die hole center to handle the distance to the wallboard, in theory there is 300 mm, 500 mm, most of these shallow throat and mouth with cast iron body; 800 mm deep throat. And throat depth 1250 mm steel fuselage USES mostly.

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